
Cybergurus delivers value added Technology Solutions and Information Technology services that have an immediate impact on a Company's bottom line, either through immediate cost savings or immediate increase in revenues, or both, in the long run. Our Technology solutions incompass the "must have" technologies to compete effectively in the market place, to serve the customer better, add efficiency to company's operations (which are slow, time consuming and require unnecessary processes i.e. those processes that can be streamlined), streamline and automate Business Process throughout the organization like Sales Force, Marketing, finance, Field Service, Service etc. Secondy, In to-day's cut throat business enviornment, companies need to be Customer Centered rather than process Centered. We strive to make a company Customer Centered. A Customer Centred company will have low customer turnover, high customer retention, low new customer acquisition costs and high customer loyalty.These traits add to increased sales and higher revenues.

Cybergurus deliver the IT solutions and services fast, in a cost effecient mechanism and within a fixed time frame to enable your Company to get faster Time to Market, faster ROI and faster response to changing market conditions. Thus, enabling your company to thrive on change and leveraging change to beat the competition. Cybergurus provides Business Technology solutions to its Client companies in various industries, representing Fortune 2000 to mid market companies. Our Services include :

  • Customer Care Management including Call Centers and web based e-crm
  • Business Process Automation across the Enterprise

    Sales Force, Service and Field Service Automation

    Supply- Chain & procurement automation, Management and Hosting

    Financial Services Automation and implementation of Web based Financial Services and Banking

    Insurance services Automation and web based insurance services

    Apparel and Retail companies Automation

    Energy Company Automation

    High Tech Manufacturing Company Automation

    Telecom company Automation

    E Business Development, Management and Strategy

    System Integration

    Software Development and Software Quality Management including Offshore Software Development

    Content Management

    Knowledge Management

    Project Management

    Data Warehousing, Database Management, Data Mining & Analysis

    Storage Area Networks implementation & management

    Network and Network Security Management

    Supply Chain and Logistics implementation & management

    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software implementation and management

    Development of e-marketplaces and exchanges

Our services represent various essential functions of the company that needs to be automated in order to derive cost savings and revenue generating benefits. These benefits come from streamlined workflow, Business process automation, rendering of excellent customer care, availability of real time data and information to make critical business decisions, cutting of mundane tasks and processes, increase communication within and outside the company and use of less human resources to get more job done in an efficient manner and reduce time to market. We partner with industry leader software vendors in different categories so as to bring and impement the best solution that fits your Business processes and requirements as determined by our Information Technology Specialists and Business Analysts' Team which performs requirement definition tasks to know the Client's present IT scenario and expected or desired Business results.

For more information on How we can help your company accomplish these goals, please call us at 800 490 5942 for a Free Consultation or e.mail at


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